Instant Galerie     Back

The concept includes special projects like this instant gallery event,
where temporary available space for buying affordable art provides a showcase for 
contemporary Dutch artists with a studio nearby.  
Here are pictures of the drive-by showroom with Monica van Rijn's artwork.

Here you see a lovely location on the Johan van Hasseltweg 2 in Amsterdam North on
the sunny bank of the waterway Het Ij.  
There are 3 large spaces available for exhibitions.  
The initiative invites guest speakers to provide amusing 
art appreciation lectures for our guests. 
Together we examine what precedes the buying of art.  
We are not a gallery, but an instant gallery event. 
We are only open by appointment.

Invitation for future modern art collectors:
Interested in participating?
Describe your passion for art?
Can you appreciate the value of
mixing art education and recreation?
and what qualities turn an art lover into an art collector?

Invitation for artists and art lovers:

We are interested in knowing about your artistic preferences.
Please e-mail and tell us about your relationship to art 
and about what inspires you. 
For more information and registration for upcoming events:
e-mail to: or
call Monica van Rijn +31(0)20-6921602
representing the initiative. 

We look forward to adding you to our e-mail address book.